Device management operation

Change the user account bound to the device

1. Enter the “Device list” Page

2. Enter the system serial number , address ,installer ,homeowner name or some other key words

3. Click “Search”,filter the list of eligible device

4. Click "Edit"

5. Click "Basic device information "

6. Click "replace" to change the homeowner account

7. Enter the new homeowner account  

8. Click "Comfirm"

Unbind device user account after replace the EMS

1. Enter the “Device list” Page

2. Enter the system serial number , address ,installer ,homeowner name or some other key words

3. Click “Search”,filter the list of eligible device

4. Click "Edit"

5. Click "Basic device information "

6. Click "Unbind" to unbind the user account after replace the EMS, so the app will remove the old EMS automatically

7. Click "Comfirm"

Change the installer or installer account bound to the device

1. Enter the “Device list” Page

2. Enter the system serial number , address ,installer ,homeowner name or some other key words

3. Click “Search”,filter the list of eligible device

4. Click "Edit"

5. Click "Basic device information "

6. Click "installation service provider " to change the installer

7. Click "Installer account" ,and select the technical installer account 

8. Click "Comfirm"

Change the device location

1. Enter the “Device list” Page

2. Enter the system serial number , address ,installer ,homeowner name or some other key words

3. Click “Search”,filter the list of eligible device

4. Click "Edit"

5. Click "Device location information "

6. Click "Location icon " 

7. Enter the address key words

8. Select the address

9. Click "Comfirm"

Pull a report of all installations for an installer from fleet view

Step 1 : Enter the “device list” page

Step 2 : Enter the installer company name (Keyword or full name) , Or optional conditions : state , city, activation time, etc.

Step 3 : Click “Search”

Step 4 : Change the view list from “10/page” to “50/page”

Step 5 : Select “All“

Step 6: Click next page , and select “All”, Click next page , and select “All”……….. Until all are selected

Step 7: Click “batch download” , and open the file

Heng is the author of this solution article.

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