Step 1: Finish FranklinWH System Commissioning steps.

Step 2: Go to Settings ➝ Modbus ➝ SPAN Panel

Step 3: Enable "Connect to SPAN Panel" ➝ Confirm

Step 4: Confirm ethernet connection between aGate and SPAN ➝ Next

Step 5: Depending on which software version is on the EMS, you'll get one of three results:
- If the software is older than R06, the system will prompt an update. This typically happens during commissioning, but can also be prompted from this point.
- If you get "This FHP cannot be connected to SPAN panel," or something similar it typically means that either a. The system is in the process of updating software and hasn't completed yet, or b. the system attempted an upgrade and ran into some sort of update failure (will have to call FWH support)
- The normal message should be "The FHP is ready for SPAN panel integration," and at this point the SPAN panel should be reading ModBus data from the FHP and the self test step on the SPAN commissioning side should complete normally.

If all steps have been followed and everything reads correctly on the Franklin side, SPAN support contact info is available below.