How to leave a Franklin system when awaiting PTO (aPower X)

It is very common to complete an installation well before having Permission to Operate. When your local AHJ requires a certain level of system shutdown while waiting for PTO, here is the procedure to follow to insure that there is no damage to the aPower X units.

1. Turn off the silver switch on the side of the aPower X unit. This disconnects the battery from the system and keeps it from overdischarging. Conventional wisdom would be to make sure that the battery is 30+% SoC before being turned off for an extended period.

2. If the battery breaker is required to be in the off position, it is now safe to do so. 

WARNING: Turning off the battery breaker without turning off the battery power switch can put it into an overdischarge scenario that will completely drain the battery to the point of damaging the cells. In these instances, FranklinWH cannot guarantee warranty replacement for damaged units.

3. If the solar breaker is required to be turned off, turn this off now as well. If you have an aPbox in the system and that breaker must also be off, it is recommended to temporarily disable the aPbox in System Parameters while awaiting PTO.

That is all that should be needed to meet AHJ requirements with regards to the Franklin system, but if you or they have further questions feel free to reach out to our Service Department and we can help provide further guidance. The steps above are specifically designed to protect the system during the operation approval process and help maximize value for your customers.


Josh is the author of this solution article.

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